Exim Handelsonderneming BV is the division that specialises in supplying Big Bags. These Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs) are highly suitable for collecting and transporting bulk goods, and come in various types. We can supply you with any type of Big Bag, depending on your needs, from 1 and 2-point to 4-point bags or more. We also carry racks and scaffolds to optimise your storage space. Finally, we carry container liners and silos. Whatever you need, we've got it.
To work together, giving you your packaging solutions for repacking, storing or transporting your products, we will need more information on what you want to do with your products.
Please fill out the accompanying form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact our team
Caïrostraat 50
3047 BC Rotterdam
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